Has anyone had any information regarding the dynamo cranks?

Information relating to the Matchless G12 or AJS Model 31 650cc twin
G15 Roy
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Re: Has anyone had any information regarding the dynamo cran

Post by G15 Roy »

Hi Knut

Your comments to this project from the start have been truculent, and with your last posting regarding our personal responsibilities being totally inappropriate.
I will submit to the committee tonight that your membership is to be revoked and that your order for the crank shaft will be cancelled and you will receive a full refund.

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Re: Has anyone had any information regarding the dynamo cran

Post by ajsph »

I totally agree with you Roy, this is a nasty attitude from mdt-son. We must remember that it is volunteer commite members, who have a lot to look at in this Corona situation, canceled events spare parts scheme, etc. They need all the support we can give them
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Re: Has anyone had any information regarding the dynamo cran

Post by ajscomboman »

Just to prove that I'm in constant contact with the guys directly involved here is the very latest from Markus (came in last night). He's going through his own personal issues regarding his sight and potential loss. Despite this he's still doing his best to push on with the project.

Hi Rob!
I am afraid I will be out of the loop for a couple of days, I am back in the hospital with another tear in the retina, this time it is more severe and can't be fixed by laser surgery. So tomorrow morning I'll have another OP to remove the vitreous body and then will get the eye filled with either gas or silicone oil (tbd during the OP). That should at least finally take care of that.
I'll report back when I can, should be out in 2-3 days if all goes well. Things in here look like in a second rate zombie movie with all the masks and protective gear on people, crazy. Going in here was the last thing I had planned or during this health crisis, but there you go. BUt better now than in a couple weeks I suppose.
Take care!

For the time being I will not reply to any postings on this matter as I may say something I regret later. However as soon as I have any more positive news from Markus or Klaus I'll post it!
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Re: Has anyone had any information regarding the dynamo cran

Post by mdt-son »

G15 Roy wrote:Hi Knut

Your comments to this project from the start have been truculent, and with your last posting regarding our personal responsibilities being totally inappropriate.
I will submit to the committee tonight that your membership is to be revoked and that your order for the crank shaft will be cancelled and you will receive a full refund.
Hi Roy,
You do as you feel appropriate. My comment about personal responsibility was aimed at responsibility for family members. That's true for myself as well. Maybe I should have expressed myself clearer.
I am still working full time, maybe that makes me a bit biased as to what is achievable.

As for your volutary work (momentarily forgotten, sorry), I have made proposals how to ease the burden and even offered to pay for additional expenses. Not well received, ah well ....

No nastiness intended on my part, honestly.

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Re: Has anyone had any information regarding the dynamo cran

Post by 56G80S »

"However, don't let the virus pandemic get to our heads."

Knut, it's not clear until one experiences it how this COVID-19 virus can pan out. As always, there are two sides to every story but, as I've just posted under the my other current thread - "Get what we asked for - Lockdown" - when I see the condition of my 18 year old fit and healthy daughter I dread to think of the possible consequences for Rob's partner (or any of us oldies).

Simple business trips are NOT allowed, only essential journeys, that wouldn't include going to get motorcycle crankshafts. The police are empowered to impose a £60 fixed penaly notice and from what I hear, if you continue the journey and not return home, you could receive further fines each time you are stopped.

We are all exasperated. I can no longer attend work and there are many here who's businesses and life styles are being wrecked by the COVID-19 measures. I can't now leave the house at all, nor can any others of my family for 14 days. I've a new (to me) motorcycle only 800-900 metres away and can't go to it to do the final couple of jobs so I can ride it when this ends. That's nothing to seeing someone in a cafe a week ago in tears after being laid off.

You can expect defence of Rob, he's worked hard for the Club, perhaps it's a case of the written word not carrying the nuances that you would've put into a face to face spoken discussion and it would be useful if we could all see it that way.

Johnny B
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Re: Has anyone had any information regarding the dynamo cran

Post by ajscomboman »

These are tense and frustrating times John. I'm as frustrated as Knut as we've been making good progress and are in the final stages only for the delivery date etc to be ripped away. The guys and I will keep plugging away to see what can be done.