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tacho drive

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2012 11:57 am
by borrowashboy
in the february jampot there's a picture of a 250 matchy with tacho drive. anybody got ay more information on this? who made it, what tacho [presume smiths], etc.
would love to know. just getting the drive square to the points cam has got to be an art.
cheers, bb.

Re: tacho drive

Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2012 10:18 am
by Rob Harknett
Getting possition may also be difficult. Need a jig made. I have done something simular using clear acrylic fitted over the part I needed to pick up on, a large hole some where close. Then a correct size hole in another square of acrylic. Put the screw though this and into the pick up hole,
then stuck the loose piece of acyrlic. jig made, fix this to the cover and drill square and in the correct possition.
Smiths do not seem to list tacho's in their literature for our bikes.

Re: tacho drive

Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2012 5:50 pm
by borrowashboy
hi rob, i cheated slightly to make my points plate flat [will be used as a pattern for proper ally casting]. i put 2 longer bolts in the cover, then lifted the top edge up till it was level [spirit level used]. then put a wedge of wood halfway along the top edge and filled the gaps with metal putty, inside and out. when that was hard, pulled out the wedge and filled the gap. a lot of filing and sanding and it looks well. just need a clockwise tacho clock now. engineering mate made me the long 1/4 bsf drive bolt, with peg on the end and i've got a tacho drive from a [shhhh] 250 honda :-) keeps me quiet.
cheers, bb.

Re: tacho drive

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2012 10:13 am
by Rob Harknett
Where theres a will theres a way Ade. But a spirit level?? I've used one for a fence post and they never seem to stay upright for long.