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LMI-M/C campaign in Luxembourg

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2000 1:00 am
by Eamonn Townsend
Issued by René Hilbert of LMI(*)

Due to the high number of motorcycle accidents in Luxembourg (in May not less than 5 accidents with deadly injured motorcycle riders) the luxemburgish Minister of Transport Henri Grethen started the campaign "together take care of each other" with the aim of reducing the number of motorcycle accidents.

The campaign consists of:

* a TV spot showing how easy it is for a car driver to overview a motorcycle rider because of his thin silhouette.
* a leaflet with the most important advices for motorcycle riders and for car drivers were produced and sent together with a letter personally addressed from the minister of transport Henri Gethen to the 14.000 luxemburgish motorcycle riders.
* the Police Grand-Ducale will do more speed controls, particularly in the north of the country.

(*) LMI, LĂ«tzebuerger Moto Initiativ, is the Luxemburgish riders' organisation member of FEMA.