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Where us 930CLN

Posted: Wed May 15, 2019 10:06 pm
by Chris1964
Hi guys and guyesses of the AJS world. Several years ago my brother was going to bin boxes containing an AJS 250 with the above number. I was having none of it and, despite having no interest in 2 wheels at the time, I planned to rebuild it. The frame was stripped and repainted with smoothrite and various other bits were cleaned up and a shopping list started. Fast forward to my work closing and nowhere to store it, I sold it to a guy and have spent since then wondering what happened to CoLiN!!!! I'm now firmly caught in the 2 wheel bug and I was reminded of this unfinished project so decided to check the DVLA. You've no idea how surprised I was to see it was currently taxed although no record of an MOT. Is this because it might be exempt due to its age? Anyway, does anyone know of this bike, I'd love to find out and if it's local to me, maybe find out what it could have looked like.